Sunday, September 30, 2007

Happy, Happy, Happy...

Maddie's development has gone into overdrive. In the past couple of weeks she has started to babble constantly and has even started to form full words (even though she doesn't know what they mean yet). The sweetest thing is that the first word she has fully formed (apart from mumma, dadda and bubba) is HAPPY. She repeats it over and over... happy, happy, happy! I hope that her life is always filled with happiness. It is quite amazing to watch as she soaks up information. She can now point to her nose, mouth and ears and she loves clapping along to nursery rhymes and waving good bye. Simes has taught her the word 'cuddle' and she breaks my heart by resting her head on our chests when we ask for a cuddle. Just heavenly!
One of her favourite things in the world is being read to. When we approach the book shelf her little face just lights up. I was so excited to find 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle in a gorgeous children's book shop in Primrose Hill. It was one of my favourite books when I was little and it is wonderful to be able share it with her.
Life in London goes on... lovely catch ups with friends and extended family. Simes and I are both busy at work. Fox have 4 films in the London Film Festival later this month and we have lots of film premieres coming up. Even though I still love attending these events, and I am as passionate as ever about film, getting home to Simes and Maddie just seems more important than walking up the red carpet these days. Funny how your priorities change. I never imagined that two people could bring me so much joy... but they do.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Passing Milestones...

It is quite amazing how quickly little Maddie is developing. Since our last blog update, she has passed quite a few milestones including learning how to wave, clap and shuffle across the floor on her bottom. She has decided that 'bum shuffling' is a much more interesting way to get around than crawling. It isn't wildly elegant, but it gets her around so I say good luck to her! Judging by the way she is pulling herself up to the standing position, I don't think it will be too long before she is walking.
Maddie continues to be a complete daddy's girl. Nobody can make her laugh like Simes can. Nothing makes me happier than hearing her squeal with laughter as her dad sings her one of his songs or tickles her. It's just the best sound in the world.
I can't believe that Maddie is going to be a year old in just six weeks. Sometimes I wish I could slow down time so that I could enjoy each stage of her life for longer... but then I realise that she seems to get more and more lovely with every stage. We are going to celebrate her birthday with seven of her little friends at a party in Queens Park on October 15th. She is also going to have a joint birthday party with her dad on her actual birthday (Oct 31st) for the grown ups in her life.
Autumn is with us and the leaves are starting to fall from the trees. Although it is a beautiful time of year and we are making the most of the gorgeous colours and the final rays of sunshine, you cant help thinking about the dreaded London winter that will be here before we know it. Oh well, I guess it's a good excuse to stay home and cuddle!